I have several flows triggered by sharepoint. Some of these flows are designed to send latest comments or notes to stakeholders whose details are held in a contacts list in the same sharepoint site.
To ensure the user checks the content of these email before they are sent an email is sent to the user using the "send email with options" action (the approval email). The approval email contacts html partlyt for formatting but mosty to provide links back to the item that triggered the flow or the contact to whom the resulting email will be sent.
Whilst there is no option to elect for the email to be in html format unlike the "send email" action a workaround I discovered following a lot of googleing was to include quotations marks in the body of the email which would force html formatting. This has worked for month but today i am now receiving appoval emails in plain text rather than html.
When checking the flow I noticed that the "send email with options" action has some new parameters where you can change the text of the heading and selection sections. This tells me MS have updated something in the architecture but they appear to have removed the workaround mentioned above.
Has anyone else encoutered this change? Does anyone know how I might get the approval email to html format again?
Thanks in advance.
Are you saying that we can add html in the body?
@SithaKommi You have to host image files somewhere on cloud where from other users on email can access these files. You are accessing on your system/machine because these files resides in your local machine and they are accessible to you.
Hi Enticy, I could add image from local drive path, and trigger email merge to me and image shows up in the email i received. but when i trigger email to others, the image does not show up. where can i keep the image to ensure that all receivers of my email has the logo/image that i have inserrted.
Thanks for the example I could sence it and use youtube vidoes, to edit my mail merger for Rich text and imanages. I could succefullly made edits per my requirement. It is great that as beginner I could learn this so quiculy from this group, appreciate your sharing and support! great community to be part of 🙂
I trust you are able to find the "Send email with options" action. I would provide a screen shot but don't have anywhere to host the image file so can't include this.
Anyway if you expand the advanced options you will see the "Body" field. This is where you insert the email body text including any HTML you wish. As for HTML itself this is a whole language in itself which I taught myself from W3Schools.com. For bold text for example you would enclose the text between tags like this "<b>This is bold text</b>" and for images including logos you would need to host the image file on the net and include an <img> tag.
BTW I am not a software developer or the like just an amateur enthusiast.
THanks.... I am very much beginner, if you have steps/screen shots. How I can inlucde bold text and logos into my email body of the in MS flow mail merge, would be much helpful.
can someone send clear steps to edit body of the email in HTML format
I was able to do this up until a couple of weeks ago!!! I was told by Microsoft to include a rich text field containing any character(s) and to include that in the email body and MAGIC, the html renders, two weeks ago, just fine. But starting yesterday, it doesn't render any more!!!