Super User @VJR shared a useful list of actions to help you with Power Automate Desktop. If you find it useful, check it out and give it a thumbs up!
Now includes new SharePoint actions as part of January 2023 update:
January 2023 update of Power Automate for desktop | Power Automate Blog (
PAD version 2.28
Cheatsheet link:
Download available in above link
[updated]List of actions for Power Automate for desktop
Supported versions: 2.46 (as of July 2024)
[updated]List of actions for Power Automate for desktop
Supported versions: 2.45 (as of June 2024)
Actions for the Data table, such as the "Insert column into data table" action, and actions for Excel, such as the "Lookup range in Excel worksheet" action, have been added.