I have created an instant flow for MS Teams messages where you right click the message, select More actions, and then select the Flow you want to run. The flow works perfectly for me and I can access it by right clicking a Teams message.
I've shared the Flow 3 different ways:
a) making a colleague an owner
b) adding a colleague as a run-as user
c) exporting the flow and having them import it in their own account
All of these shares have "worked", but my colleague cannot access the Flow by right-clicking a Teams message and selecting the Flow under More actions - it just doesn't show in the list of actions.
Is there anything else I'm missing to make this work?
Logout of Teams Desktop and login in again. It worked for me.
@JarretAubry strange thing happened. I have come back to the work on Monday and it was still not visible in my colleagues Teams. I have tried to create the separate flow in my colleague account and after that his flow appeared as well as all of my previous flows. I do not knwo it this new flow creation was like a "plunger" or it required so much time to start working but it is OK now.
Hi @ocin33, unfortunately no. I've been reading posts and recommendations and I see people talking about making sure the other users have the right permissions, but they never expanded on what that means.
From the blog post @annajhaveri mentioned, I have:
I cannot confirm "Confirmed the Team is listed as a flow owner" - I created and own the flow and am trying to share it with specific users. What "Team" needs to own the flow? I am a member of many different teams with MS Teams.
@JarretAubry please see this post https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/916901/for-selected-message-flow-not-showing-in-teams-cha.html if that relates to issue that you are facing