I have a flow that send an email with an image on it's Body. I wanted to send the image using HTML because it's easier for me in terms of development.
But for some reason, the image will not show up. I have saw several solutions but none work at this point.
The flow is simple, it will get the link trough powerapps and then send it. But even if i put the link manually, it still won't send.
Shouldn't this process be easy? What should i do?
Thank you,
I thought the issue was not loading the images...
If it is only the style in the img tag I agree with you
and probably there is an issue with the email HTML format which is somehow not getting this data.
If you'll put the same syntax on OneNote page it will work.
Hello there,
I have tried using public images like you did, and also it didn't work.
And also, as you can see, your email completly ignored the styles and didn't place them.
The HTML isn't wrong (atleast from what i am seeing), and when i insert the html on a public coding site, it works. So I don't know what's wrong with it.
might be, I just did samething as you with 3 free images online and it is working fine.
So I would check that site you are trying to get the images from..
with a simple change to a free image you can see it is working
Hi there,
I'm bumping again.
While sending one photo works, sending several, with html doesn't.
I send the following code and it doesn't work:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div class="AllTheTexts" style="color:white; position:absolute; z-index:1"> <p style="position: absolute; font-size:8pt; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif ;font-weight:normal; top:135px; left:329px; height:80px;width:108px"> A text with an example</p> <p style="position: absolute; font-size:8pt; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif ;font-weight:normal; top:229px; left:329px; height:80px;width:108px"> Text 2</p> <div style="position: absolute; font-size:7pt; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif ; font-weight:normal; top:339px; left:150px; height:88px;width:287px"> Hi there<p></p>everything<p></p>doesnt work<p></p>rerere</div> <p style="position: absolute; font-size:5pt; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif ; font-weight:600; top:427px; left:150px; height:51px;width:287px"> Because we're with you every day, it won't be any different in the next 365. We want to continue to be part of the day-to-day of those who choose us as partners. Ten years of history, we pride ourselves and are motivated to continue writing. With the certainty that we grow together is the best part of this story.</p> <p style="position: absolute; font-size:5pt; font-family:'Open Sans', sans-serif ; font-weight:normal; top:488px; left:150px; height:41px;width:287px"> Because we're with you every day, it won't be any different in the next 365. We want to continue to be part of the day-to-day of those who choose us as partners. Ten years of history, we pride ourselves and are motivated to continue writing. With the certainty that we grow together is the best part of this story.</p> </div> <img src="[Link With the image]" style="position:absolute; top:110px; left:118px; height:232px;width:340px"> <img src="[Link With the image]" style="position:absolute; top:339px; left:118px; height:88px;width:340px"> <img src="[Link With the image]" style="position:absolute; top:427px; left:118px; height:159px;width:340px"> </body> </html>
The image is from a sharepoint site, maybe that is the problem?
When i send the email with the following html i get this
How can i fix this issue?
Hi field,
I've just tried using Office 365 outlook connector and using Send an email (V2) in the body I've added
<img src="the image url">
and it worked fine for me.
can you check and if not working for you please share the flow details