I have created a flow to extract the contents of a csv from a zipped file into SharePoint.
I did this by
> Creating a file in a temporary SharePoint folder and dumping the .zip there
> Used the Extract Folder action to then extract the .zip file into a Archive Folder. This then places the .csv file from within the .zip into a archive folder.
> Deleted the .zip file from the temporary folder.
This part works fine.
I now need to get the contents of .csv file in the archive folder. I am struggling.
I tried to use the get file content - but that doesnt seem to work.
I have noticed that when using the Extract Folder option (there are two files in the output, one is the .zip file and the other is a .png file, which is the signature on the email)
If someone could please let me know how to get the contents of the .csv (without having to create a new flow) so i can play aroud with the contents such as edit, ingest into SQL etc.