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Power Automate - General Discussion

How to exclude email by domain in Auto-reply flow?

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Hi Everyone,

I have created a simple flow, and it does the following.
An email comes to a SharedMailbox (number1) from a specific email address (number 2) in the condition section; it grabs the CC and replies back to the CC with a message.
Is there a way to filter out/exclude certain domains so that the flow won't reply to everyone cc in the email? For example, if the sender included the email, I exclude that domain from the rest. I want to do it because the sender will cc other people in our company, but I don't want the flow to reply to everyone.


  • Oeskandarian Profile Picture
    Oeskandarian 12 on at
    Re: How to exclude email by domain in Auto-reply flow?

    Hi Mahoneypat,

    Thank you for the reply; It is working. I added Condition and made Outputs is equal to Outputs, then added the Send an email (v2). I said three domains ( Gmail, Hotmail & my work domain). The reply went to everyone except Gmail. Here are my screenshots.




  • ChrisMendoza Profile Picture
    ChrisMendoza 425 on at
    Re: How to exclude email by domain in Auto-reply flow?

    @Oeskandarian- I wonder if using a Trigger Condition logic would work using instead of what I use in my example:


  • Verified answer
    mahoneypat Profile Picture
    mahoneypat 1,720 on at
    Re: How to exclude email by domain in Auto-reply flow?

    To do that, you need split the Cc from the email at the ; and then Filter that array for those do not contain the domain to exclude.  You can then use the join function with a ';' delimiter to get the new string to use in the reply email.




    join(body('Filter_array'), ';')
    split(triggerOutputs()?['body/ccRecipients'], ';')



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