Hi Guys,
I have a flow which runs an API and using the response action it sends information back to powerapps and stores data within a collection.
The return information will vary depending on what table I'm pulling from the api.
Currently I had to set up different powerautomate flows for each table i'm calling as the JSON schema varies between tables.
This is working although there are 10 plus flows for each table. I have tried to call back all the information although only the first data prepopulates with data and the rest are blank. This is due to the API being dynamic with lots of tables inside the array and the schema only picks up the first table.
If I try to use multiple responses within the same flow with a condition on what table I have called I get an error as 200 responses can't be used multiple times within the same flow.
Is it possible to use multiple responses in the same flow somehow ?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks