Hi all! How are you?
Could anyone explain why it's happining and maybe point what I'm not doing correctly or missing?
This is a simple Flow Template I'm trying to follow, but I really didn't get last part as follow in the picture!
Thanks in advance and cheers,
JimmyEntire Flow
@Gristy hmmm. Interesting idea, but have to confess I don't know which step you're talking about. If it's not too much, could you please share some examples (screens) or something to clarify?
I'm really new at Flow enviroment 😞
on mine i put a terminate action and configure run after the action, as if you get more than 8 in a day it will fail.
Hope it all works ok
Hi @Gristy , sure!
We have PREMIUM capacity, but I still need to work with SP sites / files because many of my ETL process are done / created using Power Query in Excel files.
you can trash the excel step all together just when file is created, refresh dataset.
Keep in mind that there are limits to how many times you can refresh the dataset you may be better to do it on a schedule i think the maximum is 8 times per day.
Hi @Gristy , thank you so much, but the last Step was picked by the Flow itself. I didn't choose.
That's tight. I'll test deleting and adding the right one you point! 🙂
I'll let you know!
Thanks a lot again!
delete the apply to each loop at the end.
add the power bi refresh dataset action and select the correct ID for your dataset.
You have picked the wrong action