Hi - I'm currently building a chatbot that helps users resolve IT issues, provide guidance and direct users to correct IT channel if IT intervention is required.
We are exclusively using PVA in Teams and I have a couple of questions which would be great if someone could answer 🙂
Hi @Expiscornovus! Thank you for support - we're really impressed by PVA for Teams so far - just a couple of niggles that we're trying to work through.
1. So essentially we'd like the virtual agent (Sia) to send messages to the user (initiated by us/admin) for scenarios such as updates on a ticket, service notifications during major incidents and any other time we need a message to go to a user with the virtual agent being the vehicle. Reason being is we want the chatbot to be the main interface for IT issues/queries with the user to simplify the experience for the user
2. Yes that's exactly the article that I used to pull the userid information! It's okay as a workaround however stakeholder expectation is that if we're interacting with the user via Teams and they're already authenticated then why don't we know who the user is when we look at the transcripts without including the users ID name?
3. I don't think that PVA for Teams has those activity timestamps as can't see that data in the transcript extract - the columns we have are the below - and what we're really looking for is the last message timestamp so we can use this as part of understanding cost per contact vs other support channels
SessionId | StartDateTime(UTC) | InitialUserMessage | TopicName | ChatTranscript | SessionOutcome | TopicId |
4. It's not a major issue however would be good to have full control over the solution especially as we're using this as part of a large enterprise with 1,000's of users. Have upvoted the idea so hopefully gets some more traction.
Hi @RichWhite93,
First of all cool idea. Great that you are building this 🙂
1. It might be worth checking the Notifications connector. I don't know what you are exactly looking for from a requirement point of view. But there are ways of sending push notifications via Power Automate for instance, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/connectors/flowpush/#sendnotification
2. Just to double check. Are you using the bot.UserId variable like in this blog from @Jcook, https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Virtual-Agents-Community/Getting-User-Details-To-Use-In-Power-Virtual-Agents-In-Teams/ba-p/744934
3. In the content column of the ConversationTranscript table there is a timestamp property per activity. However, it looks like it is in ticks. So, you would have to extract the json and convert the ticks to a time format.
4. I personally haven't seen any plans for that. I did see this idea which you can upvote: