I would like to find the part of the data that I am interested in extracting, which is in tabular form, as you can see in the attached file. I am interested in finding the header of the table and then extracting the rows of data. The rows can be recognized from the rest of the text in the document because the rows have a progressive number at the beginning, 1, 2, 3, 4 Etc... as you can see in the attached file. I think it must need a regular expression, but I haven't managed it yet. Can anyone help me?
Riga Codice Descrizione U.M. Quantità Prezzo Sconto Importo IVA Consegna
1 721-4075/05 SEMILAVORATO PER 6963458700 NR 100 40,00000 4.000,00 22 16/09/24
2 721-4075/05 SEMILAVORATO PER 6963458700 NR 100 40,00000 4.000,00 22 15/10/24