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How to get topic details (like it name)

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Hello everyone,


I am new to Power Virtual Agents and i am trying to understand if there is any way i can collect topic information like it name.


I am trying to collect this to automate and send an email with this information.

  • HenryJammes Profile Picture
    HenryJammes on at
    Re: How to get topic details (like it name)

    Hi @Anonymous,


    Topic configurations are stored in the Chatbot subcomponent (botcomponent) table in Dataverse.


    You can access them through a Power Apps model-driven app, if you navigate to https://{DomainName}.crm{RegionNumber}


    You can further filter Chatbot subcomponents:

    • To only include topics: ComponentType = Topic (there are 2 options for Topic, 0 and 9).
    • To only include the topics for a specific chatbot:
      • For production version of PVA, with the Chatbot subcomponent ↔ Chatbot (bot_botcomponent) many-to-many relationship.
      • For preview version of the unified authoring version of PVA, with the parentbotid (parentbotid) many-to-one relationship.


    Example of that these queries look like using the Web API:

    • Production version of PVA: https://{DomainName}.crm{RegionNumber}$select=name,componenttype&$filter=bot_botcomponent/any(o:o/botid eq '{BotId}') and (componenttype eq 0 or componenttype eq 9)&$count=true
    • Preview version of PVA: https://{DomainName}.crm{RegionNumber}$select=name&$filter=_parentbotid_value eq '{BotId}' and (componenttype eq 0 or componenttype eq 9)&$count=true

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