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Please Read for Updates on Forums & Blogs

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We’re thrilled to announce that our Copilot Studio Community blogs & forums will be moving to an all-new forum platform effective June 4, 2024, this move will enhance your experience, streamline conversations, and introduce a suite of exciting new features that we can’t wait for you to explore.
PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the launch of the new Copilot Studio Community, we want to keep you up to date. During our transition you may notice that the previously saved deep links will not be working, currently they are going to the Read Only Forum & Blog boards.  
You can still access the updated Copilot Community Blogs & Copilot Community Forum Boards here and save the new deep links.
What’s New? The new forum will have a fresh look, improved navigation, and a host of updates that makes connecting with fellow Copilot enthusiasts easier than ever. Plus, you’ll soon have the ability to syndicate your very own (already created) blogs about Copilot to the Community Blog, sharing your insights and stories with a broader audience. This means you can share your existing blogs in a whole new way with the Community! 


Keep an eye out for further updates as we get closer to the big day.


Get Ready to Share Your voice is what makes our community great. With the continued updates in the all-new forums and community blogs, you’ll have even more ways to express yourself, contribute to discussions, and help shape the future of Copilot Studio.


Stay tuned for more details and prepare to join us on this exciting journey to our updated Community experience.

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