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Power Automate - General Discussion

Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

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It should be illegal how bad the documentation is on this connector.


Simple question I can't find after hours of searching: how do I search query for Received with Get Emails to hours minutes and seconds?


I found:




but doesn't work.

  • Verified answer
    Re: Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

    This seems to have been a connector/API issue as it has since resolved itself.

  • Re: Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

    @Mister_Shaik that doesn't seem correct, see discussions like this: Get Emails V3 search query by receved date - Power Platform Community (


    Can you give an example of what the full API would look like populated in the connector?


    Thanks for all the help!!

  • Mister_Shaik Profile Picture
    Mister_Shaik 1,006 on at
    Re: Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

    Hi @benjaminwthomas ,


    The Search query input only searches for equality check - it does not support any other conditions like greater than or less than. 


    If you want to perform greater or less than operations -


    1. You can use a HTTP action with graph APIs for filtering the emails,

 $select=subject,receivedDateTime&$filter=receivedDateTime ge 2022-04-19T01:51:56Z





    2. You can first get the emails for selected month and filter them in the flow itself using filter Action 





    Kind Regards,
    Shaik Sha

    If I have answered your question, please mark the post as Solved.
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  • Re: Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

    Did not work, what's the greater than operator? Can you show me an example screenshot?

  • Mister_Shaik Profile Picture
    Mister_Shaik 1,006 on at
    Re: Get Emails V3 Received Date Time Format

    Hi @benjaminwthomas ,


    You can try using the standard dateTime format for this,

    received:2022-04-19T01:51:56Z => yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssz

    1. date format.PNG


    If you want, you can remove the seconds, minutes or hours part as well, and it would still work!



    Hope this helps 🙂

    Kind Regards,
    Shaik Sha

    If I have answered your question, please mark the post as Solved.
    If you like my response, please give it a Thumbs Up.

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