WarrenBelz - Thank you for your response.
The SharePoint list populating the combo box is referencing a SP choice
multi-item select column as is the form's SharePoint list column for 'Work Center'.
For the combo box I have:
Items: Choices('Prod Lines Choice Options'.'Prod Line Choices')
DisplayFields: ["Value"]
I can't seem to get the correct code for the form's Work Center's data card's UPDATE property. I used comboBox_WkCenter.Selected and there are no syntax errors, but it doesn't write any data to the SP list Work Center's column. Since it is a multi-item select choice column, the UPDATE really should be comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems but there is a syntax error "Expected Record value".
The crazy thing is I have tried all the code below trying to find the correct code for UPDATE but all have the same syntax error "Expected Record value":
// "Expected Record value"
ForAll(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, {Value: ThisRecord.Value })
comboBox_WkCenter.Selected.'Work Center'
Split(Concat(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, 'Prod Line Choices' & ";"), ";")
Table(ForAll(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, {Value: ThisRecord.'Prod Line Choices'}))
ForAll(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, {Value: ThisRecord.'Prod Line Choices' })
ForAll(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, {Value: 'Prod Line Choices'})
// No syntax error but throws generic error when form submitted (all required fields are satisfied)
{Value: Concat(comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems, Value, ";")}
{Value: ThisItem.'Work Center'} ​​​​​​​
This one seems close but it has a nested table that I can't figure out how to extract:
{Value: comboBox_WkCenter.SelectedItems} // has nested Table; no errors expect when form submitted but failed to write combo box data
Record Data Type (Value has nested Table) |
Table Data Type |