Formula in text property is "Text(Time(Hour(VarTimerST),Minute(VarTimerST),Second(VarTimerST)+Self.Value/1000), "hh:mm:ss")"
VarTimerST = if(CountRows(Filter(TblEmpSession, Text(DateValue(Date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") = Text(DateValue(Today()), "dd-mmm-yyyy") && EmpID = Dropdown2.Selected.Value && Status = "Live")) > 0,
Set(VarTimerST, Text(Time(0, 0, DateDiff(LookUp(ColSwitch, EmpId = TextInput7_3.Text, TimerStart), Text(Now(), "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss"), TimeUnit.Seconds)), "hh:mm:ss")), Set(VarTimerST,""))
Start and AutoStart properties = If(TimerStatusP = "Timer Started", true,false)
Timer Reset = true
This is a multiuser app when old user login then timer need to get data from ColSwitch if new person logined then timer need to start from 0 but it is not getting according to plan. Please suggest a solution or convey how can achieve the goal.
Thank you.