Hi Everyone,
Can anyone tell me how can I create skill or custom action involving visual studio code from scratch.
I am not able to find related content or study material on Internet.
Pls somebody guide me.
@SonalBannagare I'm not personallly familiar with creating Bot framework skills or the use of the Emulator.
A good resource for getting help is the Bot Framework community support at Stack Overflow.
-- Mike Bonincontri
@mboninco Thankyou so I was referring to the sample echo bot skill and I have some questions regarding it-
1. If I want to create this skill in pva then what is the manifest skill url
2. And how can I open this echo bot skill and the other bot in Emulator for testing ?
And one more question that I have is
If I have some topics in PVA and some dialogs in Bot composer for any ABC bot so how can I open this in emulator for testing?
Here are a few links to help you get started:
Skills overview - Bot Service | Microsoft Learn
Implement a skill - Bot Service | Microsoft Learn
BotBuilder-Samples/README.md at main · microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples (github.com)
Additional support resources for the Bot Framework - Bot Service | Microsoft Learn
-- Mike Bonincontri