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Community Highlights - Power Apps for August 2020!

Community Highlights - Power Apps for August 2020! 


Stay up-to-date with the latest community happenings, be sure to subscribe to News & AnnouncementsFor more information about subscribing to community content, see our support articleSubscriptions and Notifications.


We are excited to be announcing our top contributors for our Power Apps users and our Super Users. This achievement isn't easy, and those who make it here have usually set a goal to help as many community members as they can and are using their own free time to give back to this awesome community.

Top Contributor.png

Aug 2020 Top 5.JPG


Top Super Users: @WarrenBelz @mdevaney , @RandyHayes@Drrickryp , @eka24 

Top Power Apps Users:  @OliverRodrigues@Alex_10@EricRegnier@ben-thompson@krishnags 


Introducing your Super Users 2020 | Season 2 - Bios & Pics

On August 14th, we are proud to announce the “Super Users for 2020 – Season 2!” The Power Apps Community Super Users make up an exclusive group of community experts who are top contributors with outstanding participation.   

Get to know your Super Users check out their bios & pics here. 


Have any of these community members helped you solve a problem? If so, leave them a thank you message or congrats below.


New Feature for MVP's

MVP's exciting news!  You can now add a signature to your Power BI profile. Need assistance with adding?  Please let us know!


Can You Solve These Challenge - WINNERS!

We are happy to announce that the "Can You Solve These" challenge was a huge hit, with lots of participation and excitement across the Power Platform Communities! Thanks you SO MUCH to those of you that participated in this community challenge! Here are the winners from the Power BI Community!  Winners were selected at random for this challenge for each community. Check out all of the details: 


Power Platform Community Manager Announcement

There have been some changes made behind the scenes of the Power Platform Communities recently,  We have a few team members moving on to newer projects and some shifting of responsibilities.  Click here to learn more


Featured August Blogs:

Code re-usability in PowerApps using User-Defined functions 

With() Statement to include non-Delegable filters 


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