August 2020 "Can You Solve These?" WINNERS!
Thank you for participating in the August Community Challenge!
We are happy to announce that the August "Can You Solve These?" challenge was a huge hit, with lots of participation and excitement across the Power Platform Communities! Thanks you SO MUCH to those of you that participated in this community challenge! Here are the winners from the Power Apps Community! Winners were selected at random for this challenge for each community.
Drum roll please... And the Power Apps Winners are:
@RandyHayes, @iAm_ManCat , @BrianS, @WarrenBelz, @OliverRodrigues,
@hardikv, @Anonymous, @ben-thompson, @Alex_10, @mdevaney
Winners receive a "Better Together T-shirt"
Please feel free to congratulate these folks and we would like to send a HUGE THANKS to those that participated in this challenge but weren't selected there will be more chances for you to win challenges in the future!
August 2020 "Can You Solve These?" WINNERS!
@OliverRodrigues and @hardikv - Congrats guys . Great work. 😍
August 2020 "Can You Solve These?" WINNERS!
I am honored to achieve this. It is certainly just something that I always want to do - take care of our wonderful PowerApps community. My mission - demonstrate that PowerApps is not only a simple tool for many to use, but that it has the versatility to achieve the goals of so many.
For so long I have looked for that great big "Easy button" - PowerApps has been that and so much more.
To the community - keep going forward! If you are struggling, reach out to the incredible minds that support this community. You will find the way! If you are succeeding, share your experience and knowledge so that other may learn and benefit from you.
And to those that do struggle - take the time to look at some posts. Think about would you solve it? Open the designer, give it a try. You will learn SO MUCH by trying it.
To all - be safe and happy PowerApp'ing.
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