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Power Apps Portals - Customer self-service portal: How to embed YouTube videos in Knowledgebase Article?

Section 1: Creating Knowledgebase Article:


  1. Open Customer Service Hub App 


  1. Under Knowledge > Knowledge Articles > New > Create a new article and hit save and publish



Section 2: Updating origins allow list for knowledge articles to embed YouTube


  1. Open the Customer Service hub application 
  2. Under Service management > Select settings > knowledge Base Management > Choose Settings
  3. Under Origins allow list > add the following URL's and 



4. Click Save.



Section 3: Adding Video to Knowledge Base Article


  1. In the Customer Service hub application
  2. Under Knowledge > Knowledge Articles > Choose the article we have created in section 1.
  3. Under Content > From the Format toolbar > Click Video



4. Open youtube > pick your video > Click Share > Choose to embed > and copy the embed code ( like below) 


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


5. Paste the above embed code in the video URL and Click OK




Note: Don’t worry if your preview is throwing "Error Occurred" message


Section 4: In Portal Studio


  1. Pres sync configuration and browse the website. And press "Ctrl+F5" 






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