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A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

In my opinion, the one enterprise use-case that PowerApps is born for is handling checklist or audit scenarios. To this day, organsiations large and small fill in paper checklists that often end up in a filing cabinet, adding no value whatsoever. PowerApps - with a little help from Flow and PowerBI - has several compelling features to address this effectively.


As a consultant, I have deployed PowerApps for various scenarios like this and noticed similarities. For example: inspecting a vehicle is not too different than going through all of the checklists before performing high risk electrical work or checking on the condition of equipment in a park or public space. In all cases there is a checklist, the need to take photos, record details of non-conformance with expectations, and often there is a need to work without the benefit of internet - at least where I live anyway. 


So eventually I decided to create a generic audit app, that could be adjusted and used by various organsiations. The design goals were to:


  • Perform different types of inspections in a single app
  • Show upcoming inspections based on location
  • Save inspection into SharePoint list
  • Upload photos into SharePoint with GPS and weather data
  • Work in remote and offline scenarios

Now when I say "create" the app, what I really mean is I envisioned the app. I actually cajoled my daughter, Ashlee Culmsee to create it. If you have not come across Ashlee's work yet, then check out her answer to the fidget spinner challenge for an example of what PowerApps is capable of.


This, however, was the real-world project that enabled Ashlee to learn PowerApps in the first place. It showcases that someone with little real-world experience can produce a highly effective solution, especially if the customer (in this case dear old dad) has a goodd idea of what they need. 


For a quick overview of the solution (less than 5 minutes), Ashlee recorded a short video covering how the app works and its major features.



If you are interested in a little more depth, Ashlee and I also recorded a 25 minute video where we cover:


  • how to design a single app that can be used for multiple audit scenarios (rather than 1 app per audit type)
  • how to use your phone to take a photo and add it straight into the PowerApps app
  • how to connect to a weather service to retrieve live data such as temperatures and humidity levels.
  • how to select your current location in Google maps.
  • a great trick using Flow to handle photos and other rich media into SharePoint with metadata tagging
  • how bad my typing is in general 🙂



There is a lot to the app, and we will be recording a more detailed breakdown about some of the key features.


I hope this example inspires your own ideas. Also, if you can think of more enhancements. let us know!


Paul and Ashlee Culmsee



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  • Jett Profile Picture Jett
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    May you get it for me?

  • AnnetteM Profile Picture AnnetteM
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    If you have a sample version of this database, I would be very interested to use as a start. 

  • Kather-pillar Profile Picture Kather-pillar 12
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Is there a video on the step by step creation of this app?

  • jaigopalsoni Profile Picture jaigopalsoni 16
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Greate App. Could you please help me adopt or create an app for this type of audits for me.

  • A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Hi Paul and Ashlee, this is a great video, I am a complete beginner and would like to build an app for my organisation very similar to your audit app. My first question is if there is a sort of API to access the data stored with the app. The second would be how did Ashlee learn, i.e., what tutorials or manuals did she use to learn?

    Thanks a lot.

  • A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Thanks, awesome example, actually i was looking on how to make something similar (gonna use yours as a base for qhat i'm trying to achive)!

  • dlazic Profile Picture dlazic 34
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Great example. I continue to struggle with the offline capability. While its easy to get the offline functionality in place, its much harder to predict how much can be saved locally before the app crashes. Most articles recommend limiting offline storage to 2MB. If you are putting together a checklist which has hundred items and you are looking to attach a picture to each item while in offline mode, its next to impossible.

  • markdrury Profile Picture markdrury
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Hi Paul and Ashlee,


    Like the above post would you be able to send over a template so I can see how it works in greater detail. Im brand new starting out at this but your video was excellent very clear and concise.

  • andy-cherk Profile Picture andy-cherk 4
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Hi, Paul!

    It's very interesting application. Can you give it to me. I want to do my application, based on yours.

    Can you share it to me?

  • Leo_Wang Profile Picture Leo_Wang
    Posted at
    A PowerApps solution for audit scenarios

    Excellent artical! Would like to see if you can do a demo for us - we are auditors/inspectors 🙂