I have a flow that gets all items from a SharePoint list, there are 5 items on this list at the moment. I've a condition that checks if the "scheduleddate" is null and if it is sends an email.
However, any record that has not been scheduled yet does not contain a scheduleddate attribute in the JSON, is this a recent change or is something unexpected happening?
Below is a document search result from pasting the JSON body into Notepad++, you'll see there are 4 hits, despite the body containing 5 root items.
The screenshot below identifies 5 items being read from the list.
Here are the parameters (redacted any unnecessary information)
"dataset": "siteURL",
"table": "tableID",
"$filter": "Status ne 'Closed'"
I enabled pagination and re-ran the test which then ran correctly, I removed pagination and re-ran (as there are only 5 records) and it still ran correctly. Assume user error. Closing this, thank you for your efforts @SanmeshG
Hi @tidedbryant ,
Can you turn on the pagination and set the limit to 5000 and run the flow?
By default the Get Items action returns only 100 items from the list. It could be that the items with the status value that you are trying to filter is over 100 items.
Hope this helps!
Hi @SanmeshG,
I've verified the filter is set to Use all columns (do not limit)
Pagination is off, but there are only 5 items on the list and the attribution isn't that large. The body is 518 lines in total.
Hi @tidedbryant ,
If you filter in the SharePoint list (In All Item View) does it show items ?
Have you checked the Pagination settings ? Can you set it to 5000 and check?
If this helps , please give this a thumbs up and mark this as a solution.