My cloud flow looks like this.
The problem is that i want to pass the base64 string from a pdf attachment to my desktop flow. As you can see, the Get Attachment actions produce a variable of content bytes that contains a string.
When i try to pass this string into a variable it seems that the previous string is converted to something like this
So, how can i pass the first string into my desktop flow in order to create the file with the action "Base64 string to file" ?
i worked on this for a few days. what a mess. thank you so much for finding a solution that works!
Just to be clear for those looking for a solution, you need to:
1. Compose a string that contains 'content bytes'
2. Compose another string that converts the first string from base64 from base64tobinary. Image attached.
I got the same issue and your solution worked, not sure why this bug is not fixed yet
Now i have changed the flow and i can't find the exact run that has the string expression.
It was like the flow that i posted but in the "Set Base64file" action i had string(ContentBytes) that was produced from get attachment action.
The result was the same as the third screenshot that i uploaded.
I know about the resubmit thing and I have a ticket open at Microsoft for this issue.
About the string() function. What is the value in the flow run history if you use it? Could you please post that part of the flow and the expression you are using?
Thanks for the help!
I already tried the string() expression and the problem is still there. The strange thing about this problem is that when i resubmit the failed flow, ContentBytes is not changing its value and the flow runs without an error.
I'm going to try "base64(base64ToBinary(contentBytes))" and i will give u an update.
A really annoying bug. I created a ticket for this but it's always hard to pass the first level. But you use it a little different than me, so I'm not 100% sure.
Have you tried to "convert" it to string. I know. It is already a string, but Microsoft sometimes tries to do things they shouldn't do. So just try "string(contentBytes)" (instread of contentBytes you have to use the whole path to the contentBytes of course). You could also try "base64(base64ToBinary(contentBytes))".
Both solutions lead to another bug because you won't see this formula (except peek code) if you don't use it in a compose action. Microsoft knows about this and documented the issue 😄