Trying to update and existing record in a custom entity returns status 400: No resources were found when selecting for update
The Record with the given ID exits in the db.
You can only use "CDS update record" when the key value, you are searching against, is actually defined as the Primary Key in the CDS Database settings.
I just found the same issue. screenshots follow.
Flow error
CDS record to update (note correct RecordId)
Tested this with Standard and custom entity.
The workorund using the PrimaryId field as the Record Id is working.
The answer took so long because i ran in another isssue with lookup fileds adn the overall slow web interface at the moment
The MyContact Entity was only for testing and is deleted.
At the moment i use the standard contact entity.
But i tested with diffrent entities and flows.
But as mentioned in my other post the workorund using the PrimaryId field as the Record Id seems to work.
Usimg the ReordID filed as Record Id results still in the erros.
I will setup an sync flow for one of our SQL Tables.
I will the post further feedback.
I don't no if i missed somethig yesterday or something has changed.
I creadted a new Flow using the PrimaryId field as the Record Id and it is working.
So we can use this as workaround.
Usimg the ReordID filed as Record Id results still in the erros.
Can you please share screenshots of your flow and also the MyContact entity fields? I am assuming you are trying to update MyContact entity record. Thanks
manually entering the value of an exiting reords returns also error 400
Using the primary ID results in the same error 400
Hello DA,
Sorry for the delay. As a workaround can you please try to provide the value of PrimaryId field as the Record Id field input for the update action?
Hi @DA,
I wasn't able to reproduce your issue, and I've escalated your question to some folks who might be able to know more. Sorry about the long wait time. Hopefully we'll be able to work together to solve your issue.