Hello, I made automation in power automate. My aim is to fill in the information in the forms and compare the student number in excel and send a license to the student's e-mail address but the error I get is how much table content there is in excel, it sends e-mail to other numbers except the student's number. How can i solve this if someone can help it would be very helpful.
Yes I know that. I'm thinking of doing it with Automate. The issue you can help me is reading the data in one line of excel and matching it with a field in the form. How can I do this? can you help me?
Use the GRAPH request: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-assignlicense?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
I want to automatically assign Microsoft 365 licenses. I want the student to fill out the Microsoft Form and get the license. There is an excel with the mails of the students. Let Automate read this excel and assign a license if the e-mail where the form is filled is correct. Here I am reading the lines of excel and I want it to send me an e-mail. Automate reads all lines of Excel and returns me as a license has been assigned or not. Lots of emails coming. *In the example here, there is no license assignment, the system sends an e-mail to see the process.
Sorry I cannot understand what's your problem.
please show your flow.