My question is, how can I trigger or make the power automate work when I created an SP Lists item thru power apps? is it doable?
Thank you for your usual assistance.
My Power Automate Trigger
My Canvass App.
My SP List
after creating data in create form. When I click save, I want to update the recent row. But only to update the blank columns which were Month and Year. The formula will get the Year and Month from the value of the Datecolumn. I did it on Power Automate, but on manually clicked. But I want it to apply thru power apps, because that app now will navigate my SP lists.
Thank you.
Do you want to trigger the flow when an item is created in the SharePoint list?
After the flow triggered, what action you would like to achieve in the next step?
Best regards,
Unfortunately, I tried to configure the power apps x power automate 10 times today, but values still now showed to the columns.
It is glad to see you've checked out your issue.
You could either use the PowerApps trigger to trigger the flow:
Or using the SharePoint connector with the trigger "When an item is created":
Here are some links for your reference:
SharePoint - Connectors | Microsoft Learn
It would be great if you could share the way of how you solve the problem and mark your answer/solution as a 'Solution' to allow more people with the same problem to solve their own problem as quick as possible.
Thank you so much!
Best regards,
Apologies. I found the triggers on Power Automate. Thank you.