Hi All,
So I have a SharePoint list which contains a "Deadline date" column. There are new/different deadline dates for each month that are already populated here manually.
Now I have another list where I have a column with "Today's date" (when the item was created) and another "Deadline date" column among other info. I want to search for the next nearest deadline date from the 1st list with respect to "Todays date" column and fill that in the second list.
For example:
1st list
28 March 2022
28 April 2022
30 May 2022
27 June 2022
28 July 2022
Todays date( when an item was created in 2nd list): 19 May 2022
Deadline date column (in 2nd list) should be : 30 May 2022 (as it is the nearest deadline from 1st list)
How can I do this either using calculated columns in SP or Power Automate?
This is really urgent to me. Thanks for any help!