I am using the Salesforce "when a record is modified" connector. Goal is to replicate the behaviour of salesforce outbound messages. I notice that not all fields on the object are coming into the flow. I have tried specifying the columns I want in the "select query" under advanced options, the flow runs successfully but the fields are not all there.
One thing I did notice in the headers of the incoming message is under Content Type it shows as below:
"Content-Type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true"
Not sure but I assume the "odata.metadata=minimal" is where my problem lies, however I don't seem to be able to manipulate the value.
Any ideas?
Thanks. This seems like a suitable workaround. However, when I put this into practice, I still don't see all of the fields i would expect. I am starting to think it could be some sort of configuration on the Salesforce side.
Hi @Anonymous ,
Found a thread from 2019 here with the same issue but doesnt appear to be a resolution.
This may be by design to improve performance. I know some of the SP triggers also dont have all the fields.
Not ideal but can you use Get Record and pass in the record id to get all the fields?
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