Hi there,
I was wondering whether anyone may help?
I'm trying to set up a flow where my bot (from the Power Virtual Agent app) sends a daily message to all the users in our team. However, under the "Bot" dropdown menu, it's not pulling through any of our bots. Is this due to a setting in Power Automate or Power Virtual Agent?
How do I ensure my bots show as a value in the flow settings?
Thanks so much!
Anyway, I was not in the good environment... Sorry.
Hi everyone,
Any news about this ?
I have the same issue, not founding my Power Virtual Agent in "posting a message or adaptive card". The bot is published.
Thanks for your help.
best Regards,
Hi there, thanks for this! I have published the bot as advised, but still having issues. So, I went through the professional assistance. Apparently "Posting a message or adaptive card as the bot to a private channel is currently not supported". This is the challenge. Although, it seems strange that they'd show the options if it's currently unsupported.
I appreciate your help. Thank you again!
Hi @Anonymous :
First, please add the bot to Microsoft Teams
Second, please publish the bot
Finally, please check if the bot exists in your flow.
In addition, if the problem still exists, I suggest you create a support ticket for professional assistance following the below procedure.
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Best Regards,
Best Regards,