Hello all,
I have a flow set up that will parse text from an email that is received into a shared mailbox for terminations. It grabs the business transferee email address and then does a Salesforce query to get the contact ID of said person. It then creates a case in Salesforce using dynamic values adding the email subject line to the subject line, the body to the description, and the contact ID so the case has the correct contact.
The other required fields to open the case which are static are Salesforce Object Type, Case Status, Case Priority, Case Business Hours ID, Case Case Type, Case Category, Case Sub-Category.
I have tested this to success reusing a trigger from a email received in the shared mailbox, which created the case.
When I put this into production, the case creation fails with the following:
This ended up being a mistake on the HR side and this field was moved! Thank you for the reply.
Based on the response, the 'Case Actions' flow/process failed in Salesforce due to a platform governor limit or no recipient successfully satisfying the conditions in your production environment for this execution instance relative to your test case (uncertain what Salesforce environment your successful test was executed against, sandbox, scratch org, etc).
Coordinating with the Salesforce application team to debug the 'Case Action' flow/process and it's execution in production against your test case debugs should help. Checking that the Salesforce integration user account performing this action has the appropriate permissions in production relative to your successful test may also help.