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Power Automate - Building Flows

Document Control Solution - Adding the File name to each word document in a library.

(1) ShareShare
Posted on by 629
We are swtiching over from our current IMS to using sharepoint and one of the issues is that if a user prints a document it doesnt have a version ID anymore as we are using the version data from SP to control docuemnts. I need all printed docuemnts to have a version ID which is why I thouhgt i could automate the process using the populate word document flow. However this is designed for templates and not for mutliple documents.
When I upload a file to a folder in SP, the flow will rename the document to include the Version number. I would like to then go into the file and update the Text control in the docuemnt with the name of the file. Any idea how this can be acheived?

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