I'm trying to update the choice field in a sharepoint list item, but i didn't get the option to do so. I saw a couple of posts regarding this which stated that the choice field is currently read only. Any idea when this will get resolved?
They also refer to this article which mention that the choice field is read-only for power app (https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/tutorials/connection-sharepoint-online/) but i can update choice field in power app. Am i missing something here?
There is something wrong seriously in most office 365 products. I created a leave form using 'forms". Now when I try to collect the responses in a sharpoint list using flow - create item when form response is submitted, the choice field does not show up as an option. Instead I am forced to choose one of the choices which comes up as a drop down on the flow screeen... This is absurd.. wonder how they made this so absurd..instead of picking up the stored text it makes me pick up one of the progremmed choices...
Looking forward to see this feature as well.
Any update on when we might expect this "feature" to be working? But I really can't think of it as a feature, but rather an intrinsic part of what it means to update a sharepoint list item!
Please check this link not sure how user managed to update drop down. Since even for me it does not display the option for updating drop down. http://www.o365dude.com/2016/05/07/making-a-vacation-request-flow-with-microsoft-flow-preview/
Hi mugilan,
I just tested the choice column in SharePoint list when trying to add an action of update SharePoint Item under Microsoft Flow, and still the column can't display as an available item in the Action pane, this is also true regarding the other "Read-only" columns such as Picture or URL (When formatted as picture), Calculated and the Mnanaged Metadata.
That is hard to say when it would be available. But I suspect this would take a long time.
As the blog shares that:
For more information, please check:
SharePoint welcomes PowerApps and Microsoft Flow
Thank you for the reply, but i would like to know when it will be resolved?
This feature is still not available yet.