Does anyone know how to retrieve and/or alter the data of an instance within a recurring event? (subject, attendees, details, cancelled yes/no) If possible following the 'When an event is modified (V1)' trigger.
My aim is to use the Outlook calendar as a central tool for employee working schedules and event-planning, but this remains a big obstacle.
Hi @JustinBieb,
Based on what I know, currently Microsoft Flow should be not able to work with the recurrency part of the Event.
What Mabel said means that when working with the "When an Event is modified" trigger, Flow creator should be able to update the Event info in the following actions.
For Upcoming Events, you may consider switch to this trigger:
This trigger will also return the whole Event.
Adding the document for reference:
Hi Mable,
Thank you for your reply.
Do you mean you were able to retrieve the subject, attendees, details, etc. of an instance of of a recurring event? Because I have been at it for 2 days now, with no avail.
In my scenario I first create a recurring event. Then a flow needs to trigger when an instance of that event is altered, in this case by a user with permission to create and alter events in said calendar. I then need to get the data of that specific instance instead of the whole recurring event (subject, attendees, details, etc.) and be able to adjust any or all of the data for that specific instance.
Hi @JustinBieb,
Could you show me more details about your scenario?
When using the trigger “Office 365 Outlook – When an event is modified(V2)”, we could get the subject, attendees, details, etc. by selecting the corresponding dynamic contents. Then we could use the action “Update event” to update an event in a calendar.
Best regards,
Mabel Mao