I developed a flow to generate a PDF after an Approval Action step.
My flow was functioning well until today when I encountered this error message (screenshot below):
"InvalidProtocolResponse. The response to partial content upload initiating request is not valid. The response to initiating partial content upload request must contain a valid location header."
After searching the Forum, I could not locate any solution.
Would appreciate if someone could help out with this error
Thank you very much
This worked for me too, thanks guys
i've try to Turn it OFF "ALLOW CHUNKING" to see if it's better.
if no i call you back.
thank you for your response
So far the error has not recurred
I have the same error.
it is a random error. me too when i re-run it's ok...
have you found a solution?
Hey @Michael_Yen I figured I would circle back and ask if this fix has continued to work. I experience the same error every once in a while and when i re-run it goes all the way through ie my flow is completely fine but this error comes up randomly.
Hi Binich,
The issue did not recur
Hi Michael, did it work?
Will do this, thanks Fernandes
Hey @Michael_Yen
Try to Turn it OFF and see if the problem get resolved.
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Hi Fernandes
Thank you for your advice
When I checked the Create File Settings. The Chunking is enabled already as per the screenshot below
Does it mean I should "disable" the Chunking?
Thanks again.