I cant find the action Populate a Microsoft Word, does anybody know where this has gone?
The only time i can use it is when i use the "describe flow" and say what i need, when i do this however, it is throwing an error.
Any ideas on how to resolve either of the above? Below is the error.
Failed to retrieve dynamic inputs. Error details: 'The dynamic operation request to API 'wordonlinebusiness' operation 'GetFileSchema' failed with status code 'BadRequest'. This may indicate invalid input parameters. Error response: { "status": 400, "message": "The Graph API rejected the request with the following error message: Code: invalidRequest\r\nMessage: The provided drive id appears to be malformed, or does not represent a valid drive.\r\nClientRequestId: 0c83d7db-31c2-4a2d-bf3c-baaa10c45d5a\r\n\r\nclientRequestId: f235f975-c485-41c3-a4bb-88470d963646", "error": { "message": "The Graph API rejected the request with the following error message: Code: invalidRequest\r\nMessage: The provided drive id appears to be malformed, or does not represent a valid drive.\r\nClientRequestId: 0c83d7db-31c2-4a2d-bf3c-baaa10c45d5a\r\n" }, "source": "wordonlinebusiness-ukw.azconn-ukw-001.p.azurewebsites.net" }'