Hi, I've just started using power automate to make a simple flow for checking an email subject and then creating a task in planner and it's not working for me.
I'm basically trying to fish for every email with the word "contact" in the subject that gets send to one of my company mail adresses that I've added to Outlook via Imap.
I'm using my 365 work account for the connector which is the same account that outlook's using.
The flow however does not trigger on any email that gets in even if i'm just using broad filters like "to:" . I also don't see my outlooks folder structure when trying to filter based on folders but just the generic outlook structure.
This here is the source for the get email trigger:
Just adding this as a "solution" if anyone else has the same problem. "When a new Email arrives" only works with Exchange accounts and not with IMAP email accounts added to Outlook. Get a new Exchange email account in Outlook, add that as the connector and forward your mails from the IMAP account to the Exchange account .
Hi Anna, I've removed and readded the connection but no luck so far. even tried one of my coworkers microsoft account to see if it would work with their outlook but nothing... Yes my O365 and Microsoft account are using the same email, I checked those as well but it still won't work. Shouldn't it be possible to select the Inbox of the mail account I want to check? So far all I see is the basic folder structure with Inbox, Outbox, Archive,etc. but nothing that resembles anything in my outlook profile. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
@jj_w_stmsolar are you sure, can you double check by removing the connection and adding it? Usually if connection is right then correct folders should appear in the trigger. Do you have O365 account and Microsoft account for same email id, if yes, then also double check the same.
Hi Anna,
yes I'm using "When a new email arrives v3", the connection is using my office 365 account, the same one I'm using in Outlook. The three mail accounts were added via imap. Thanks in advance and regards, Jonas
@jj_w_stmsolar are you using When new email arrives trigger? Can you check the connection of trigger to see if you are using the right account?