#Connect to Azure
# Set date to 45 days ago
#use this one
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-45)
# Initialize an empty array for device data
$Devices = @()
# Fetch AD computers not logged into within the last 45 days
$ADComputers = Get-ADComputer -Filter { LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $date }
# Process each AD computer
foreach ($ADComputer in $ADComputers) {
# Get the computer name
$Name = $ADComputer.Name
# Attempt to find matching Azure AD device
$DeviceDetail = Get-AzureADDevice -All $true | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $Name } | Select-Object ObjectId, DisplayName
if ($DeviceDetail) {
# Try to get the primary user of the device
try {
$Owner = Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredOwner -ObjectId $DeviceDetail.ObjectId -ErrorAction Stop
$PrimaryUser = if ($Owner) { $Owner.UserPrincipalName } else { "No owner found" }
catch {
$PrimaryUser = "Error retrieving owner"
else {
# Fallback if the Azure AD device is not found
$PrimaryUser = "Device not found in Azure AD"
# Retrieve potential owners if no owner is found
if ($PrimaryUser -eq "No owner found" -or $PrimaryUser -eq "Error retrieving owner") {
try {
# Extract initials from the computer name (removing first character and last 6)
if ($Name.Length -ge 7) {
$Initials = $Name.Substring(1, $Name.Length - 7)
else {
$Initials = ""
# Initialize potential users array
$PossibleUsers = @()
# Search for users in Active Directory with matching initials
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter "*" -Properties Initials | Where-Object {
$_.Initials -like $Initials -and $Initials -ne ""
# Add potential users' SamAccountNames to the list
foreach ($User in $Users) {
$PossibleUsers += $User.SamAccountName
# Update PrimaryUser with possible users, or fallback if none found
$PrimaryUser = if ($PossibleUsers.Count -gt 0) {
$PossibleUsers -join ", "
else {
"No potential owners found"
catch {
$PrimaryUser = "Error retrieving potential owners"
# Create a custom object with the device information and the primary user
$Devices += [PSCustomObject]@{
ComputerName = $Name
PrimaryUser = $PrimaryUser
# Output the results
$Devices | export-csv 'c:\temp\inactivecompuers.csv' -NoTypeInformation