Hi, I've had a number of flows stop working all of a sudden with little information on what is at fault. The flows have been working fine and were not modified aroudn the time they stopped working. The only nugget to go off is the error 'bad gateweay 502' which is reported in a some of the recent failed runs.
I'm unable to trigger the flow (sharepoint new item is created or modified) so i'm stumped as to why it is not triggering. I've created a simple flow in the same account with the same trigger, that works the first time then doesnt work any more...
I've tried copying the flow to another account but that doesnt work more than once either!
I've tried copying the flow and deleting the original (because i was concerned there were quite a few instances of the flow running) but that didnt work either.
Really at a loss as to what is wrong and this is having a significant impact on our operations. if anyone has any pointers or guidance i'd appreciate hearing them.
The actions contained in the flow are:
Sharepoint update item
Sharepoint get items
Outlook send email
Outlook send email with options
Hi Ella1976. I don't want to get your hopes up but when I experienced this, I had no idea what to do except what others have done, come here asking since you can't ask MSFT.
But, at the time, I walked away and miraculously the issue went away the next day. For the life of me I don't know why, I didn't change anything.
It seems to be getting to the point where much of this browser based code is really starting to leak issues.
I hope it resolves for you and anyone else with this enigma.
Wow, is this nonsense still ongoing?? Bad bad bad Microsoft.
Yes I have constant issues with their stuff. Everytime I I have comments on here is the same time I go back to trying to accomplish something on this god forsaken "platform".
Each and every time without fail.
I have the same issue. The dynamic operation request to API 'excelonlinebusiness' operation 'GetTable' failed with status code 'BadGateway'. Error response: { "error": { "code": 502, "source": "europe-002.azure-apim.net
Tried to create a new environment and created the flow. But same errormessage.
Wow that's crazy. The crazy thing is........shhhh....hear how quiet Microsoft has been? Hmmmmm
em 09/08/22 o problema continua, depois de ficar feliz em tirar do MS Access um fluxo de ler XML e salvar em tabela e cria-lo no power automate, depois de dois dias rodando o fluxo com sucesso apareceu a mensagem "badgateway" e pior de tudo é que não tem o que fazer, é aguardar e torcer pra voltar...Micosoft, assim fica dificil né?
YOU GOT IT!!!! Even if they did give a **bleep**, unfortunately you can't even get an answer from their "support". It'd take several days just to reiterate the question in a way they can understand THEN will provide an answer you've like already said you've done OR (and most likely) you'll get some rhetoric about this not meeting the scope of their department as they are a more "break and fix" department. Yet when something is broke, they can't fix and you ultimately end up like you and I did, say "F" this, I'm out of here. Seems Microsoft has gone the way of the dodo; gone extinct.
Wowwwwww. Really? That's rediculous.
Have you heard anything from Microsoft support?
No one knows why, it just happens and MS doesn't really give a sh#t! I have unfortunately just stopped using it because it is so unreliable.
Unfortunately, what I had to do was move my flows to a new environment. All the flows worked fine after this. But I still don't know what was the cause of the bad gateway error 😞
Hmmm. I've had that too but can't recall what I did. What I did discover was I had multiple connections to the same gateway. Seems you can just accidentally, willy-nilly add the same connection over and over and over again.
I removed ALL connections then reconnected by manually running flows and choosing the ONE connection when prompted.