Simple issue that I am stuck on. I have a flow that populates a field in a SharePoint doc library with the next revision [New Rev] of a SharePoint file based on the current rev number [Eff Rev].
This works great when New Rev is a number. If the flow initiator intends for the file to be cancelled they can provide this as an input when the flow is initiated by assigning Yes to 'Cancel1'.
I want the rev to now change from a number to text and equal "Cancel" and as expected, I get an error when I make this change.
Is there a way to re-establish 'New Rev' as text within the flow at a step just before updating properties
Is the "New Rev" and "Eff Rev" properties from the document? Or is it from a column in the Document Library?
Either way, you need to go check if it is a Text or Number type. If it is a Number, then you will not be able to put any text in the field.
Here is an example of the properties in a document, and you can see there are different types like Text and Number.
Or you can go to the Document Library settings and look at the column types there.
If those columns are Number type then you will not be able to put "Cancel" into the field.
Maybe you could try putting in 99999 or something if that helps signal the file is cancelled. Or you can move the file into a different folder that is for cancelled documents.