I'm trying to build something to help assign tasks to my team; here is the basic outline.
1. An email is received in a shared inbox
2. when a new email is received in said inbox, a new item is made in a SharePoint list (this flow works as is)
3. I have a field in the sharepoint list "assigned to"
I am wanting to have that auto-assigned/chosen from a list of users (preferably using the people column so I can make custom views for the users to see what's been assigned to them.
4. Once the user completes a line item, they check off "complete" and it auto-hides from their view.
The part I'm stuck on is having the user auto assigned.
e.g. we have 3 users, the first email gets assigned to the first in the list, 2nd email second person, 3rd email third person, 4 them loops back to the first and so on, so forth.
Nothing I google is for this specific instance so I get lost in arrays, strings, and other topics.
Any help is appreciated