Hi All,
I am trying to create the reminder notification with the existing data in the SharePoint List.
I have a Column with the name 6 Months Review Date, how to compare it with the existing date?
I am struggling with the expressions and conditions, I have created the flow it works fine but the output is not accurately what I want?
Can anybody guide me?
Please see the flow below,
For it to work, dates MUST be formatted with the ISO8601 format: yyyy-MM-dd
When comparing strings (and dates are strings just in a special format), they compared from left to right.
Therefore your most significant character (here the millennium) must be on the left side.
Your formatDateTime function creates a string with the day on the left side.
Why are you even using formatDateTime?
@David_MAhas said the dates need to be in ISO8610 format, which is yyyy-MM-dd. Yours are not in that format. Perhaps you can change and re run your flow.
I used the same date format in both conditions for comparison.
formatDateTime(item()?['OData__x0036_MonthlyReview_x002f_Date'], 'dd/MM/yyyy')
is greater than
Can these 2 conditions work?
The dates on both sides of the condition need to be formatted using ISO8610 format, which is yyyy-MM-dd. If you do that, it should work.
Can you give me a for instance i.e. an example.
6 Months Review Date | existing date |
I understand the compaison but without dates i.e. 18/04/2024 in a table form and some real world data I cannot help much further as I need to go away and model some information to make sure I am providing the correct advice.