Hi There,
I am new to powerautomate. I need help on this below requirement
I have Excel table in SharePoint excel. Which contains one Colum on named EDC. I want Email if the EDC is today and on the email body that row (The list which today edc falls),
2. Then second, if the EDC is overdue by 3 and 3+ days i want send email which email body contains overdue line row list
Thanks in advance
Singaravelu S
+91 9952324175
Array(items()?('apply_to_each_2')?['EDC Date']) ....use EDC Date dynamic content inside Array function in your if condition.
Right side (addDays() function) of if condition logic can still remain the same
Please reply, I im still waiting for your update
Dear Sir, kindly find the requested details, Kindly help to achieve the requirement
Please share the output of one flow instance, also screenshot of logic written inside the 'apply to each' loop
@rishabhkhanna1 Sir, Not sure about which string format I Can use. Screenhoot attached herewith. Kindly check and help please sir
Your replay would be highly appreciable
Thanks in advance
@Singaravelu - How exactly is the output desired for 'EDC Date' column that currently shows '20-May-2022' .
Can you share on what formatting have you exactly done in Power Automate flow specific to 'EDC Date' column?
Hi Sir,
Thanks for your reply. Which was very was very clear. But i was unable to match the date format string. need help on this area. I had downloaded and attached the excel for the reference. Refer column "EDC Date" for date comparison.
2nd, In the Email body i want that list of item that pending. (Which was overdue with respect to EDC date)
Thanking You
Singaravelu S
You can setup a recurrence flow with excel path configured on 'List Rows Present In a Table' action.
Capture today's date using UtcNow() function as shown below.
Please, by default PowerAutomate Captures datetime in Utc format
You can then mention relevant condition, but please sure both the dates in excel and that on 'convert time zone' action are in same format .
For >3 days, you can use addDays(body('Convert_time_zone'),-3) under expression tab that would check and send relevant emails from 3 days and beyond 3 days.
Hope this helps.