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Power Automate - Using Flows

Others cannot use my workflow

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Hi Gents, I’m new to Power Automate; and I’ve just built my 1st workflow for the Approval of a Request submitted through MS Forms. 

The workflow did work for me that my boss could receive my application submitted through MS Forms and then approved it. 

However, it didn’t work with my team. Neither they can see their submissions at the “Sent” section, nor I can see at the “Received” section at the Approval Center of Power Automate!!!


The submissions that my team made were kept at MS Form as normal. 

May I have you advice on how to overcome this problem. 

Many Thanks


  • Verified answer
    ScottShearer Profile Picture
    ScottShearer 25,150 on at
    Re: Others cannot use my workflow


    The way your Flow is configured, YOUR manager will get all approval requests no matter who submits them.  That's because you are using Get My Profile - that will always get the profile of the user who used their connection for the action - you.  Then you use the output for Get My Manager for the approval.

    See my example below.  You don't need the Get My Profile action - replace it with a Get User Profile action.  Use the email address of the person who submitted the Form as input for Get Manager as well as Get User Profile.


  • RM-06090351-0 Profile Picture
    RM-06090351-0 36 on at
    Re: Others cannot use my workflow

    Sorry for the typo ...


    "However, I don’t know why my subordinates could not send for my approval whilst I can send for my boss with the same workflow. "

  • RM-06090351-0 Profile Picture
    RM-06090351-0 36 on at
    Re: Others cannot use my workflow

    Hi Scott, thanks for the advice. 

    I’ve set the “Mail” from “Get Manager” being the approver of the workflow. 

    I believe that’s why my boss can approve my trial submission. 

    However, I don’t know why my subordinates could send for my approval whilst I can send for my boss with the same workflow. 









  • ScottShearer Profile Picture
    ScottShearer 25,150 on at
    Re: Others cannot use my workflow


    Can you please post a screen shot of your Flow?  That will be a big help to those trying to assist.

    Please note that unless you specify a Requestor in the Approval action, the approval will show as being sent by the account used for the connection.

    Unless you are the individua who is designated as the approver, you won't see the approvals as "received".


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