I have a requirement for coloring a particular column in HTML table with 3 different cell background color based on cell value. The source is from List rows from a excel table in power automate and the table. Need your guidance and support to crack this logic for coloring a particular status column Not started -> Red, In Progress --> Yellow, Completed --> Green dynamically like with If condition.
Please explain with the Power automate connectors and expression screenshots where we are inputting the logic for cell Background colors based on cell value
Can you explain me where i need to add the if condition?
@Muthu_VIjayan Use one compose in which input should be like- <td>Your Status dynamic value</td> and then create 3 compose actions for each status value with your background style For example- <td style="background-color: Red>Not started</td>
Now in your html table in place of column td use expression if(equals(),..)
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