I have a custom Sharepoint list which I'm using as an team absence calendar. One of the fields is the Start Date. I've created a Flow triggered by an insert to the list which posts a message to a Yammer group:
The problem is that the Start Date is off by one day in the Yammer message. If I create the entry in SharePoint with a start date of 2017-02-17, the Yammer message shows 2017-02-16.
Is this a bug, or somehow related to some other configuration setting such as timezones?
If you are able to change the timezone of the lists site, change it to utf+00 then it should work fine. Or vote this up for faster implementation of timezone support: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Flow-Ideas/Timezone-Support-for-Sharepoint-Date-Column/idi-p/22645
Hi derousse,
Flow by default use the UTC time and please check your SharePoint time zone. If it is not UTC time, when the issue will appear. So far the workaround is that using the workflow definition language to bypass this issue.