I have tried so many things to get this done and so many searches and ways of describing my question that I now post my first question seeking help from the community.
I am making a power automate flow to get shifts from the Teams Shifts App to go to outlook calendar. I managed to get everything working so far. It makes an event in Outlook calendar when a shift is created and assigned, it updates the event when changes are made to a shift and deletes the event when the shift is deleted. So far so good.
Now I want the list of tasks you can add to a shift to be displayed in the text body of the event, but because you can add multiple tasks, this value is stored in an array. I can't figure out how I get this as a list separated by a return into the text body.
I tried using a string variable and appending the values from the array using compose to try and add formating to that (I can add a number and a space and all the characters I want, except for that enter to get a new line (even tried making it a formula using & Char(10), but that doesn't work either.
Use the join() function:
join(createArray('First', 'Second', 'Third'), decodeUriComponent('%0A'))