I am hoping someone can help, I am trying to trigger a flow off the back of a sharepoint list, the field is a single line of text that contains a message: ''To be completed by ASM (Supply) on creation of G-Type order'' At a certain point in the process this then gets populated with a number 9900000000 (different number each time but always starts 990).
I am trying to set up a flow that states when the field G-Type Order Number begins 990 then update the status on the list and send an email (Or something to that effect), however, everytime I try to do this it doesn't work!!! losing the will to live!!! thanks in advance.......
No it's not and I've been sucessfully been updating it for other parts of the process...
This however has worked which was to enter a space into the contains condition, as there were spaces in my text and none in the number format, I've got round it like that.....
Hi @linky_07,
Becky, is the Status column under your SharePoint list a Choice type? Sorry for missing this part with my previous reply.
If it is, then I am afraid currently it is not available to update its value through Microsoft Flow.
See the thread for reference:
Choice Fields not showing as an option in Flow
Currenlty the Choice field is readonly.
Would it be available to add another text column in SharePoint list, to add notes for the status need to changed?
If only for sending Email Action, it should work.
In addition, no need to add the single quotes with 990 (my bad), your configuration should work.
Hi Michael,
I've tried this but still not working, to be fair I've triend almost every combination under the sun!! Just trying something else now and will advise if it works!
Thanks for your help
Hi @linky_07,
Please change the value part of your condition with the following:
Add single quotes with the 990. This way would make the 990 in string format, and without quotes, it will be detected as number.
let me know if it would work.
Hi @linky_07,
Would you please share the details of your flow configuration?
In addition, what the meaning of "At a certain point in the process this then gets populated with a number 9900000000"?
Besides, would it be available to share the scenario the flow working for, which field ( G-Type Order Number, or the single line of text ) as trigger, and which is the result?
I suspect the issue here should be the condition you configured.