Why am I getting this error? When I tested my flow numerous times, it always worked successfully.
I have the Microsoft Flows free plan with office 365. I have checked my settings in Microsoft Flows and all are connected.
Action 'Condition 3' failed
Fix It
If this error was temporary, you can try resubmitting the run and the issue may have been resolved.
Error type
This action failed because of an error in the connector.
Thanks- figured it out. In my action Send an Email, I set my To: field to email a column in SharePoint, but there was ONE empty value in that column, so when the To: sends to a null item, it results in that error. I wish the error messages were more helpful.
Hi @jhuynh,
Maybe there are some faliure inside the Apply to each for 129 times,
you needs to check from the 129 times apply to each to see why some of then run failed.
Best regards,
Hi @jhuynh,
Could you please share a screenshot of the run history when the flow run failed?
Could you please share more details about the error message when the flow run failed?
You could refer to link below to troubleshooting a flow:
Please share more details so we could try to provide a proper workaround for you.
Best regards,