I'm fairly new to Power Automate, but I want to use it to migrate data from SharePoint lists in an old site to SharePoint lists in a new site - its a pretty simple requirement and for most of the lists I am migrating its worked fine.
However, one of the lists is failing at the initial get items stage and I can't see why. If anyone has any suggestions that would be appreciated!
This is an image of the issue:
As you can see, its about as simple as it can be (I've removed all other future steps, it is literally a one step flow at this point) - the only thing going on here is the "Get Items" step which is connecting to the SharePoint list that I want to migrate. The error is as follows:
"The field 'Immediate_Responsible_Person' is not supported in query. The lookup list does not exist."
The only thing that is different about the list to any of the other lists I have already migrated is that the data field on which it appears to be failing is a people picker field (Field is type Person or Group).
If I create a view on the sharepoint list that excludes the field Immediate_Responsible_Person and choose to limit the columns in the flow by that view, I am able to migrate the data. However, this will then mean my new list will omit the person responsible in the legacy data which is obviously not what I need!
Therefore the issue appears to be the people picker, but I'm not sure what I should do to fix it!
Thanks in advance for any ideas 🙂
Thanks for the response - the list doesn't have a lot of fields - maybe 30?
However, I have actually got round the issue now. There was an alternative field in the list that had a "DisplayName" extension on it, which gave me the value I needed to pass over into the list. I'm not quite sure what is going on here, but it does what I needed!
Does you list have a lot of lookup columns? If so, how many?
How many columns are in your list?