I have an issue with creating\updating Custom Connectors.
When I'm setting everything(Client ID, Client Secret, Resource URL) on the Security page and hit Create Connector, it tells me "Connector successfully created", reloads the form, and then it's empty again. So I can't get Redirect URL and use the connector.
I've tried it on different accounts with different tenants.
I'm going trough this manual step by step with no luck: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-au/graph/tutorials/flow?tutorial-step=2
Can anyone please check - if it works at all?
Is there another way to check if the Redirect URL is created?
Here is the screenshot that shows how it looks after 'Create connector' is pressed:
Because of that, I can't make MS Planner automation at all since it's native connector is strangely limited and not allowing updates of simple things like BicketID and checklists. Any Ideas?
There is a current issue with creating a custom connector using the OAuth 2.0 authentication type.
As an temporary solution, in order to make your custom connector work, please add the following URL as Redirect URL within the specific Application under your Azure AD: https://global.consent.azure-apim.net/redirect
The Devs are currently working on fixing this issue.
Thank you,
Ovidiu Bordea