Is it possible to obtain a list of all the participants (ideally their mail) from a group chat. I've found it fairly easy to obtain a group chat's conversation ID, but getting any further information based on this has proved a bit troublesome.
The case is, that we would like to automatically get a list of all the participants of a group chat (can easily be +20 participants) and automatically invite all these participants to a new meeting. Please note that I'm aware of the "schedule a meeting" from within the group chat - the issue with this is, that in our use business case, the one that are to call in for the meeting is never the one who initiated the group chat and therefore can't see this button. Also, when calling in for this new meeting a long process of other automated steps is also applied which makes that button option impractical.
If you have any alternative way of obtaining a list of all the participants mail easily from within the group chat, this information will also be very welcome.
Hi Damien,
Thank you for the notice! I actually stumbled upon the same API the same evening after I posted the question, and believe that this is the only possible way to achieve what we need as it is right now.
Best regards
Hi @ChrisAtMYB
Graph API - this is in Beta but you can call https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/chats/19:4e459f55d5ce4cf29747c530d2aa09fc@thread.v2/members which will return your members in the response.
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